rust city GROUPS



Real life change happens in meaningful relationships. Of course, our most important relationship is with God, but He designed us for community, saying,

“It is not good for man to be alone.”

Jesus commanded us to make disciples (ones who follow) and modeled this by inviting a small group of people into his daily life.

We also see the early church meeting together in the temple and in homes (Acts 2:46; 5:42). It’s essential that we develop opportunities for meaningful relationships which encourage transformative change to take place – where we don’t just hear the Word taught, but we talk about it together and help each other apply it to our lives.


SEPT 29 – NOV 23

JOIN a group!

For all info about joining a group check out the FAQ below.


A cutout of two men holding up winning fingers and a frame that says Rust City Groups.
  • Groups launch in the fall and winter. They typically last 10 weeks each semester.

  • Each group leader picks a different topic for their specific group. While the content is important, groups are primarily focused on building relationships!

  • Yes! But we highly recommend that you don’t take on too much. It’s better to be fully committed to one group, than partially to a few.

  • Childcare info can be found within the details of each group. Some groups provide childcare, and some don't. Other groups are kid friendly, so even though there may not be childcare provided--there's room for your kiddos in the bunch!

  • Groups can be labeled as "closed" if they have met max capacity and cannot accommodate more people.

  • We get that everyone has busy schedules, so it's no biggie if you can't make it to group every week. But we still encourage you to pick a group that works best with your schedule, so you can make it as often as possible!

  • You do not have to be a member of Rust City to join a group. If you have a friend who would like to join, they're more than welcome!

  • Yes, though we encourage you to try it out for a few weeks!